Sample Data Sets for Oracle
A collection of common data sets for testing purposes
Sometimes you need only some small tables and some rows of data to play around with, to test things out. I think most of you immediately would say EMP, DEPT…
Sure, but a bit more data would be nice. Ok, OE and HR schema…
Sure, but I have no SYS rights on the database in my current project to install the schemas, can I have it in my current dev schema?…
Sure, but then I have to fiddle a bit with the scripts to make it run in my dev schema, I need it fast, no time at all…
Mmhhh, sounds this familiar to you? Maybe I can help…
The sample data sets from Oracle were normally created for a dedicated schema. I changed that and omitted all the schema creation parts of the scripts. Instead, all objects from a data set get a prefix - an example: All objects from the customer orders schema (one of the newer data sets from Oracle) are prefixed with CO_. This allows me to use all data sets in parallel in a single schema and easily identify the data set the object belongs to.
All table scripts are created with identity columns and the simplest possible options for easy readability - no fancy constraint and index names. Constraints and indexes will be renamed with global helper scripts after the table creation. Only real indexes are coded - foreign key indexes are generated with a global helper script too.
For each data set, you have always the same three scripts to handle the installation/data refresh/uninstallation.
List of Data Sets, Copyrights
- EMP & DEPT (2 tabs, 18 rows), source, Copyright Oracle (MIT license)
- Order Entry & Human Resources (15 tabs, 3.002 rows), source oe, source hr, Copyright Oracle (MIT license)
- Customer Orders (5 tabs, 6.325 rows), source, Copyright Oracle (MIT license)
- Sakila DVD Rental Store (16 tabs, 46.273 rows), source, original source, Copyright MySQL AB documentation team, DB Software Laboratory, Lukas Eder (BSD-3-Clause license)
For more info about the Oracle sample schemas see the docs.
List of Global Helper Scripts
- Disable/enable all foreign key constraints
- Create missing foreign key indexes
- Unify constraint names
- Unify index names
- Sync sequence values to data
You can find the project on GitHub.
Hope this helps someone else…
Happy data modeling and testing :-)
P.S. For those of you who are working with Oracle APEX: Have a look under SQL Workshop > Utilities > Sample Datasets