D3.js Force-Directed Network Chart

A JavaScript standalone implementation and Oracle APEX region type plugin

My first Oracle APEX plugin and open source project :-)

BLAKECLARKJONESSCOTTwith avery longlabelFORDSMITHALLENWARDMARTINTURNERADAMSJAMESMILLERWho amI?Where Iam?KING is THE KING, you know?unspecifiedunspecifiedSalesResearchAccountingCustomize Me

Everything started some months ago when I stumbled over this fascinating force-directed graph. I immediately had the idea to use this technology to visualize data models in APEX. My experience is, that direct after I documented a data model, this documentation is out of date. I wanted to have a live visualization of the data models. After the first implementation it turned out, that the resulting graph is also useful for other purposes and I decided to build up an APEX plugin for easier integration.

If you use the bare JavaScript files you can run it on every HTML page:

<div id="example"></div><!--the graph container-->
<link  href="/assets/d3.js/d3-force-3.0.0.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="/assets/d3.js/ResizeObserver-1.5.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/d3.js/d3-3.5.6.min.js"></script>
<script src="/assets/d3.js/d3-force-3.0.0.min.js"></script>
window.onload = function() {
    window.example = netGobrechtsD3Force('example')
        .useDomParentWidth(true) //for responsive layout
        .debug(true) //to enable the customization wizard
        .render(); //sample data is provided when called without data
        //see also https://ogobrecht.github.io/d3-force-apex-plugin/tutorial-1-getting-started.html

I found myself often fiddling around with the parameters of the physical simulation - change config, reload page, not amused, change config…

Really annoying - even I know the implementation behind. So, the question was: What can I do for an easy configuration. My answer was after a while of thinking and trying out: A customization wizard with a live preview of the changes. The link to enter the wizard is shown when the debug mode is switched on or in APEX when the developer bar is shown - try it out in the example graph above.

You can find the sources and more informations on GitHub and a demo app on apex.oracle.com.

Happy networking :-)
